We’re excited to announce another new project partner – CoMoUK
INFUZE is delighted to be collaborating with CoMoUK. Shared mobility services are growing in importance as part of a package of mobility options and CoMoUK’s existing knowledge and understanding about what works and how people change their mobility patterns when they adopt these services is a significant boost to the INFUZE project.
Richard Dilks, chief executive of Collaborative Mobility UK (CoMoUK), said:
“The INFUZE study is genuinely groundbreaking and we are extremely happy to be involved in its important work, partly through sharing our extensive research findings on the benefits of shared transport.
It is clearly in all of our interests to move to a system where multiple modes of sustainable transport are much more the default option than now.
Involving people directly – as INFUZE will do – in coming up with solutions is something we are delighted to be a part of.”
Visit the Partners page for a full list of researchers and partners involved with the project